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Home » Training » DevOps Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Practitioner® with exam

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DevOps Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Practitioner® with exam


  • Course description
  • Training program
  • Additional information
  • Exam

Course description

The 3-day Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Practitioner® course, accredited by DevOps Institute, introduces ways to scale IT and digital services economically and reliably. It explores strategies to improve agility, cross-functional collaboration, and transparency of health of services towards building resiliency by design, automation, and closed loop remediations.

The SRE Practitioner course aims to equip participants with the practices, methods, and tools to engage people across the organization involved in reliability using real-life scenarios and case stories. Upon completion of the course, participants will have tangible takeaways to leverage when back in the office such as implementing SRE models that fit their organizational context, building advanced observability in distributed systems, building resiliency by design and effective incident responses using SRE practices.

This course positions learners to successfully complete the SRE Practitioner certification exam.


At the end of the SRE Practitioner course, the following learning objectives are expected to be achieved:

  • The story behind the SRE and its emergence at Google;
  • The inter-relationship of SRE with DevOps and other popular frameworks;
  • The underlying principles behind SRE;
  • Service Level Objectives (SLO’s) and their user focus;
  • Service Level Indicators (SLI’s) and the modern monitoring landscape;
  • Error budgets and the associated error budget policies;
  • Toil and its effect on an organization’s productivity;
  • Practical steps that can help to eliminate toil;
  • Observability as something to indicate the health of a service;
  • SRE tools, automation techniques and the importance of security;
  • Anti-fragility, our approach to failure and failure testing;
  • The organizational impact that introducing SRE brings.

Target audience:

The target audience for the SRE Foundation course are IT and digital professionals including:

  • Anyone starting or leading a move towards ultra-scalable and highly reliable distributed software systems,
  • Anyone interested in modern IT leadership and organizational change approaches,
  • Business Managers, Business Stakeholders, Change Agents, Consultants, IT specialists, DevOps practitioners, IT Directors, IT Managers, IT Team Leaders, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Software Engineers, Site Reliability Engineers, System Integrators, Tool Providers.

Training program

Day 1:

  • SRE Practitioner course introduction
  • Module 1: SRE Anti-patterns (Rebranding Ops or DevOps or Dev as SRE; Users notice an issue before you do; Measuring until my Edge; False positives are worse than no alerts; Configuration management trap for snowflakes; The Dogpile: Mob incident response; Point fixing; Production Readiness Gatekeeper; Fail-Safe really?)
  • Module 2: SLO is a Proxy for Customer Happiness (Define SLIs that meaningfully measure the reliability of a service from a user’s perspective; Defining System boundaries in a distributed ecosystem for defining correct SLIs; Use error budgets to help your team have better discussions and make better data-driven decisions; Overall, Reliability is only as good as the weakest link on your service graph; Error thresholds when 3rd party services are used)
  • Module 3: Building Secure and Reliable Systems (SRE and their role in Building Secure and Reliable systems; Design for Changing Architecture; Fault tolerant Design; Design for Security; Design for Resiliency; Design for Scalability; Design for Performance; Design for Reliability; Ensuring Data Security and Privacy)

Day 2:

  • Module 4: Full-Stack Observability (Modern Apps are Complex & Unpredictable; Slow is the new down; Pillars of Observability; Implementing Synthetic and End user monitoring; Observability driven development; Distributed Tracing; What happens to Monitoring? Instrumenting using Libraries an Agents)
  • Module 5: Platform Engineering and AIOPs (Taking a Platform Centric View solves Organizational scalability challenges such as fragmentation, inconsistency, and unpredictability; How do you use AIOps to improve Resiliency? How can DataOps help you in the journey? A simple recipe to implement AIOps; Indicative measurement of AIOps)
  • Module 6: SRE & Incident Response Management (SRE Key Responsibilities towards incident response; DevOps & SRE and ITIL; OODA and SRE Incident Response; Closed Loop Remediation and the Advantages; Swarming – Food for Thought; AI/ML for better incident management)

Day 3:

  • Module 7: Chaos Engineering (Navigating Complexity; Chaos Engineering Defined; Quick Facts about Chaos Engineering; Chaos Monkey Origin Story; Who is adopting Chaos Engineering? Myths of Chaos; Chaos Engineering Experiments; GameDay Exercises; Security Chaos Engineering; Chaos Engineering Resources)
  • Module 8: SRE is the Purest form of DevOps (Key Principles of SRE; SREs help increase Reliability across the product spectrum; Metrics for Success; Selection of Target areas; SRE Execution Model; Culture and Behavioral Skills are key; SRE Case study)
  • Course review
  • SRE Practitioner mock exam
  • SRE Practitioner certification exam

Additional information

Student pack includes:

  • SRE Practitioner study guide with all slides
  • DevOps glossary
  • SRE Practitioner exam requirements
  • SRE Practitioner sample paper with answer key
  • Post-course reading materials.

Organization of training:

  • Type of training: Virtual class (Instructor-led live online class), On-site open group class, On-site closed group class
  • Training language: English or Polish
  • Material language: English
  • Group size: 6 to 12 participants
  • Prerequisites: SRE Foundation training completion is recommended. The DevOps Institute SRE Foundation certification is a prerequisite to the SRE Practitioner exam
  • Accreditation granted to Asseco Data Systems by DevOps Institute.

Additional information regarding participation in the Virtual class:

  • Each participant should register for the training session between 08:30-08:50
  • The training is conducted between 09:00 am and 3:30 pm
  • During the training day there will be several breaks, including one 1-hour lunch break and 10-minutes coffee breaks after each hour of training.
  • Study guide and other training materials are distributed in a digital version.
  • Exams are carried out in the form of vouchers.

SRE Foundation® and SRE Practitioner® are registered trademarks of DevOps Institute, Inc.


  • Exam type: on-line multiple-choice test (1 correct answer out of 4)
  • Exam duration: 90 minutes
  • Number of questions: 40
  • Pass mark: 65% (26/40)
  • Exam language: English
  • Open book.

Training schedule


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Training: DevOps_SREP_EN

DevOps Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Practitioner® with exam

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